ISD 518 School Board approved a request to establish no bussing zone for each school building within the district
Due to COVID-19 related guidelines and restrictions from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, buses in District 518 will be running with 50% capacity limits along with other requirements such as frequent cleaning and the requirement of all passengers must wear face masks. With buses running at a reduced capacity, the district and Bud’s Bus Service have worked to find solutions to these transport limitations.
To address busing challenges, the ISD 518 School Board has approved a request from Bud’s Bussing Service to establish a no bussing zone for each of the school buildings within the district. No transportation will be offered for students of that school within the no bussing zone. The no bussing zones for Worthington Middle School, Worthington High School, and the Learning Center were determined with safe pedestrian and bicycle transport in mind, allowing for easy routes for students to reach their school buildings. Families with Prairie Elementary students in the no bussing zone must arrange transport for their students. District 518 understands this is not ideal for all students, but the change is necessary to proceed with a safe 2020-2021 school year.
Worthington High School has operated with a one mile no bussing zone and will continue this practice. The Learning Center and Worthington Middle School will now have a one-mile no bussing zone. Prairie Elementary will have a half-mile no bussing zone. Each building’s no busing zone only affect students who attend that building.
If you have further questions, please contact Bud’s Bus Service at (507) 372-5552.