Big South Athletics Conference Spectator Rules and Regulations
ISD 518 will be following all rules and regulations for spectators put forward by the Big South Athletics Conference.

FALL 2020
Spectators – General Information
The Big South Conference will be taking steps to limit spectator attendance at our activities this fall. The premise of limiting attendance is based on these goals:
- Keep all students, coaches, officials, and event staff safe.
- Keep all students and staff in school as long as possible.
- Give all students the opportunity to participate in activities.
- MDH – No gatherings of 250 or more.
Each rostered person (athlete/manager/statistician/cheerleader/coach) will be given two (2) event specific passes to distribute as they wish.
Big South Conference events this fall:
(Please note: passes will not be reissued)
- Varsity Boys Soccer
- JV Boys Soccer
- Varsity Girls Soccer
- JV Girls Soccer
The Big South Conference will not be issuing passes for the following activities, but asks spectators to follow all social distancing guidelines:
- Girls Cross Country
- Boys Cross Country
- Girls Tennis
Masks are mandatory for all spectators at all indoor Big South Conference events. Masks for all Big South Conference outdoor events will be mandatory when you cannot social distance, are visiting the restrooms, or are mandated by the host facility.
Spectators are asked to socially distance themselves to the best of their ability from those not in their immediate families. Please remain seated in family units when possible.
Any student, parent, or fan who enters the event must remain seated with the family unit they came with.
Only those individuals who posses a Big South Conference specific pass will be allowed in.
The Big South Conference spectator attendance plan is subject to change at any time and will be reevaluated as new guidelines come forward.