Modifications to Our Health Related Protocols in School and on Buses Due to COVID-19

To Parents of District 518 students:

This letter is to inform parents of modifications to our health related protocols in school and on buses due to COVID 19.
Please notify your child’s school if anyone in your house is symptomatic or tests positive for COVID-19. Even if only one person in your house has symptoms, all people living in the household must stay home. Household members must stay home 14 days from the last exposure to the positive/symptomatic person. Parents need to work with the school nurse to determine quarantine return dates.

If a student in your child’s class tests positive for COVID-19, your child may be considered a close contact and asked to quarantine for 10 days from the exposure date. If any symptoms develop during the quarantine, please call the school nurse or bring them to be tested.

Students will be expected to participate in at-home learning during quarantine.

We encourage you to transport your child to and from school to ensure the least amount of risk of exposure on buses. If one student on a bus tests positive, the entire bus may have to quarantine 10 days if these strict rules are not followed:
● Keep face masks on at all times.
● No eating or drinking.
● Stay seated for the entire route. Do not move around the bus.

Bus company cameras will be used as available to ensure adherence to plan.

Following guidelines and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Independent School District 518 is requiring a mandatory self-isolation period of 7 days upon returning from travel outside of the United States. It is recommended that anyone returning from international travel be tested for COVID-19 3-5 days after their trip. Even if you test negative, stay home for the full 7 days. If the student is not tested, he/she needs to remain in quarantine for 10 days before returning to ISD 518 facilities. If the student develops symptoms during the quarantine period, contact the school nurse for the appropriate return date.

Please contact your student’s school nurse if you have any further questions:

Prairie Elementary: Wendy Donkersloot, RN, LSN 507-727-1251
Middle School: Kayla Schmitz, RN 507-376-4174
High School: Jacquelynn Heidelberger, RN 507-376-6121
Learning Center: Shanelle Henning, RN 507-372-1322
West Building Jessica Trei, RN 507-376-6105

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