Scholarship Announcement
On Thursday afternoon we had a special scholarship for Southwest Minnesota State University awarded to Alondra Leon Flores. She was awarded the President’s Regional Scholars Award, which is given to four high-achieving high school seniors full-ride scholarships to SMSU. Due to the notification to the others that also applied for this prestigious scholarship opportunity, we needed to keep the information low-key to not create hard feelings.
The full-ride scholarship is for four years that will start with Alondra’s beginning of her academic career at SMSU in the Fall Semester 2025. The students are selected through a combination of their outstanding academic achievements and interviews with SMSU faculty, staff, and finally individual interviews with SMSU President Kumara Jayasuriya.
Alondra was also awarded the top Forensics (Speech) scholarship at SMSU at next year. Alondra has participated in Speech at Worthington since her 8th grade year, competing in Original Oratory, in which she writes her own persuasive speech. Alondra is pictured with Mr. Ben Walker of the SMSU Forensics Team, who came to the Marshall Speech Spectacular to present Alondra with her scholarship. She has been a district, regional, state, and national Business Professionals of America (BPA) member and award-winning participant.
This well deserving young lady who is goal driven and hardworking, wants to go to college towards becoming a physician’s assistant and looks to come back to Worthington to serve our community. Alondra has also been active in the Fall Play and Orchestra outside of her academic courses. She has assisted in various public events at WHS such as Homecoming, Awards Day, Veterans Day, and other programs as an interpreter. We couldn’t be prouder or more excited for her future and college journey.
Go Trojans! Go Mustangs!