Worthington High School is concerned with the business education and training of students for productive, satisfying careers; and offers students the opportunity to become involved with Business Professionals of America which is recognized by the United States Department of Education as a national career and technical student organization and an integral part of career and technical education. Business Professionals of America has members in 23 states preparing for careers as tomorrow’s business professionals. Business Professionals of America is helping to develop leadership abilities, competency in business, information technology, and office occupations, and interest in the American business system.

Business Professionals of America Week is celebrated in conjunction with National Career/Technical Education Week which is in February. WHS BPA students actively participate through local, region, state, and national officer elections; regularly attend weekly meetings; attend and participate in leadership conferences at the region, state, and national levels; run and manage the school store (design homecoming button and spirit merchandise) and concession stands (football, volleyball, soccer, wrestling, boys and girls basketball, and track); and help out local organizations that are in need of promotional or volunteer work by designing & printing buttons (parent night buttons), brochures (AOK club), flyers (Ducks Unlimited Greenwing), etc.

BPA Highlights


Business Professionals of America meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held September 9, 2024 and new officers were elected and installed. This year’s national BPA theme is Capture the Moment. In October, our chapter president, Alondra Flores Leon, was elected to the Region 8 Officer Team for a third term. In November, one chapter member participated in the national 10-10-10 Membership Challenge and was recognized for recruiting new chapter members. In January, we added a Middle Level Division to District 518 and will have two members compete at state in March. On January 17, 13 members competed at the Region 8 Business Professionals of America Spring Leadership Conference and 11 members earned their way to the state conference to be held in March.


Business Professionals of America meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held September 5, 2023 and new officers were elected and installed. This years national BPA theme is Seize the Opportunity. On September 22, 2023 the Worthington High School BPA Chapter hosted a Movie Night event which due to weather had to be moved inside. The featured movie was the Disney PIXAR film Elemental and the event opened with Disney Shorts. In November, two chapter members participated in the national 10-10-10 Membership Challenge and both were recognized for recruiting 10 new chapter members. In January, 8 members competed at the Region 8 Business Professionals of America Spring Leadership Conference and all members earned their way to the state conference to be held in March.


The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are President ~ Edgar Mendez Ochoa and Vice President Alondra Leon Flores. Edgar and Alondra competed at regions in Extemporaneous Speech and Prepared Speech and both advanced to state competition.


The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President ~ Alicia Robles, Vice President ~ Nicole Wede, VP of Membership Outreach ~ Cristina Magana, VP of Communications ~ Hiebron Beyene, VP of Development ~ Desteny Candelaria Garcia, and VP of Specialized Activities ~ Open. All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands. Alicia, Nicole, and Cristina competed at regions, state, and national competition in Video Production Team and made finals. Cristina also competed at nationals in Graphic Design Promotion.


Business Professionals of America meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held September 3, 2019 and new officers were elected and installed. The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President ~ Andy Garcia Arreguin, Vice President ~ Alicia Robles, VP of Membership Outreach ~ Nicole Wede, VP of Communications ~ Cristina Magana, VP of Development ~ Jordan Vincente Ramirez, and VP of Specialized Activities ~ Desteny Candelaria Garcia. All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands.

The Region 8 BPA Fall Leadership Conference was held September 25, 2019 in Granite Falls, MN.  At the meeting regional officers were elected.  Andy Garcia ran for an open position on the leadership team and was elected our new BPA Region 8 President.  Congratulations Andy!  The Minnesota State BPA FLC will be held October 27-28, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN.  All regional officers are required to attend the state FLC where workshops and state officer elections will be held.

Students are busy planning our 5th Annual “Super Smash Bros” Tournament and working on updating our page and we hope to be finished with both before the end of the year.


Business Professionals of America meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held September 4, 2018 and new officers were elected and installed on September 10, 2018. The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President, Alex Cuate; Vice President, Alvaro Fernandez; Secretary, Ben Lopez; Treasurer, Andy Garcia; Historian, Sergio Sanchez; and Parliamentarian, Victor Villalobos. All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands.

The Region 8 BPA Fall Leadership Conference was held September 26, 2018 in Granite Falls, MN. At the meeting regional officers were elected.  Andy Garcia was elected as Region 8 Secretary. The Minnesota State BPA FLC will be held October 28-29, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency (Minneapolis, MN). All regional officers must attend and new state officers will be elected.


Business Professionals of America meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held September 11, 2017 and new officers were elected and installed. The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President, Sergio Sanchez; Vice President, Nicholas Ramirez; Secretary, Alvaro Fernandez; Treasurer, Andy Garcia; Historian, Alex Cuate; and Parliamentarian, Victor Villalobos. All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands.

The Region 8 BPA Fall Leadership Conference was held September 27, 2017 in Granite Falls, MN. At the meeting regional officers were elected.  Nicholas Ramirez was elected as Region 8 Parliamentarian. The Minnesota State BPA FLC was held October 29-30, 2017 at the DoubleTree by Hilton (Bloomington, MN). All regional officers must attend and new state officers will be elected. 

2nd Annual Super Smash Bros. Tournament will be held on November 16, 2017 at Worthington High School in Room 328 from 5-8 pm.  The BPA Chapter Service Project will be collecting lite canned fruit, boxed/bagged non sweetened cereal, and prepackaged 1 pound bags of dried beans (pinto, black, kidney) for the Mana Food Pantry.  Event will start with showcasing three BPA competitions and end with a tournament between students and staff.

Congratulations to WHS BPA for proudly representing Worthington High School on Friday, January 19, 2018 at the Region 8 Spring Leadership Conference in Granite Falls, MN. Advancing to the BPA State Leadership Conference in March include: 1st Place Broadcast New Production Team (Nicholas, Sergio, Alvaro, Victor), 1st Place Extemporaneous Speech (Ben), 2nd Place Interview Skills (Alex), 3rd Place Extemporaneous Speech (Andy) and 3rd Place Digital Media Production (Alvaro). Also recognized at the SLC was Andy for earning his diplomat torch award.

We will be extending the collection of the “Miracle Minute for Special Olympics” through the conclusion of homeroom/advisory on Thursday so we can hopefully maximize the collection for Special Olympics.

Thank you for your effort in making our community service project “Miracle Minute for Special Olympics” be a success and have a wonderful day!

Congratulations to Andy Garcia Arreguin for making his way to the BPA National Leadership Conference this coming May!  Andy has earned his Statesman Torch Award and will be receiving his National Ambassador Torch Award at the conference which will be held in Dallas, Texas in May.


BPA meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held September 10, 2016 and new officers were elected and installed. The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President, Alvaro Fernandez; Vice President, Sergio Sanchez; Secretary, Nicholas Ramirez; Treasurer, Doria Drost; Historian, Victor Villalobos; Parlimentarian, Victor Rivera; and Reporter, Nancy Morales Perez. All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands.

The Region 8 BPA Fall Leadership Conference was held September 28, 2016 in Granite Falls, MN. At the meeting regional officers were elected.  Sergio Sanchez was elected as Region 8 Secretary. The Minnesota State BPA FLC was held November 6-7, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. All regional officers must attend and new state officers will be elected.

Students from Business Economics and BPA are working to develop a community service project to help a local family whose son was born premature.  Students have created their project and bands should arrive by January 4th.  “Bands for Ben” is up and running smoothly and are selling out fast.

2/20/17 – Students designed new spirit gear for the school store and it has arrived!

The Region 8 BPA Spring Leadership Conference was held February 3, 2017 in Granite Falls, MN.  The conference was a success as six members will be advancing to the State SLC in March.

2/8/17 – WHS just received the Minnesota Chapter of the Month Award for January.  Congratuations WHS BPA!

4/12/17 – Congratulations to Doria Drost, who will be attending the conference which is held in Orlando, FL, from May 9-14, 2017. Doria was just named the BPA Secondary National Ambassador of the Year which is a huge honor for her, WHS, and Minnesota. Doria achieved 2,105 points in seven different torch categories which set her above the rest of the students applying for the ambassador torch award. Categories include nine areas: cooperation, friendship, knowledge, leadership, love, hope, faith, patriotism, and service.  Doria also placed 1st in Human Resource Management at state which earned her a spot at the NLC competition.


BPA meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held August 31, 2015 and new officers were elected and installed. The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President, Christopher Mayorga; Vice President, Kenneth Garcia; Secretary, Monica Rivera; Treasurer, Alvaro Fernandez; Historian, Victor Rivera; Parlimentarian, Sergio Sanchez. All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands.

The Region 8 BPA Fall Leadership Conference will be held September 30, 2015 in Granite Falls, MN. At the meeting regional officers will be elected. If you would like to run for an officer position, you must apply to Mrs. Troe by September 10, 2015. The Minnesota State BPA FLC will be held November 1-2, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. All regional officers must attend and new state officers will be elected. If you would like to run for an officer position, you must apply to Mrs. Troe by September 25, 2015.

The Region 8 BPA Spring Leadership Conference was held January 22, 2016.  Eight students competed in various competitions and three earned their Diplomat Torch Award.  Of the eight students, four will be advancing to state competition in March.

The State BPA Spring Leadership Conference was held March 10-12, 2016.  Christopher Mayorga competed in Digital Media Production and Extemporaneous Speech and also earned the Statesman Torch Award.  Christopher will be advancing to the NLC in May to earn his Ambassador Torch Award and possibly compete in Extemporaneous Speech.


BPA meetings will be held every Monday after school. The first meeting was held August 26, 2014 and new officers were installed at our meeting on Tuesday, September 2, 2014.  The newly elected Worthington High School BPA officers are as follows: President, Jamie Le; Vice President, Andrea Duarte; Secretary, Christopher Mayorga; Treasurer, Thipphapone Keovilay; Historian, Kenneth Garcia; Parlimentarian, Doria Drost.  All BPA members are responsible for scheduling time to work in and manage the concession stands.

The Region 8 BPA Fall Leadership Conference will be held September 24, 2014 in Granite Falls, MN.  At the meeting regional officers will be elected.  If you would like to run for an officer position, you must apply to Mrs. Troe by September 10, 2014.  The Minnesota State BPA FLC will be held November 2-3, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis.  All regional officers must attend and new state officers will be elected.  If you would like to run for an officer position, you must apply to Mrs. Troe by September 25, 2014.  Congratulations to Andrea Duarte for being elected to the Region 8 Officer team.

BPA School Store

We are officially up and running an online school store supporting Business Professionals of America!  We are so excited to launch this site with the help of KM Graphics!  Have fun shopping as our students have had fun designing and choosing apparel items for our store!  Thank you for supporting your local BPA Chapter!

Link for apparel for any Trojan fan below:

Link for apparel for Worthington Staff below:

2024-2025 Officers

WHS President
Alondra Leon Flores

WHS Vice President
Edgar Mendez Ochoa

WHS Secretary
Kaw Blay

WHS Treasurer
Cristina Mireles

WHS Parliamentarian
Penelope Ramirez Rodriguez

WHS Historian
Peer Htoo

WMS President
Rut Ramos Ramos

WMS Vice President
Martha Garcia-Fonseca

2024-25 Theme

This years logo

BPA Links



upcoming events


Membership Deadline – 12/1
Region SLC – January 17 – Granite Falls, MN
State SLC – March 6-8 – Minneapolis, MN
National SLC – May 7-11 – Orlando, FL


Related Links

Trojan Spirit Gear
Lanyards $6.50
Popsockets $2
Bead Set $1

BPA Video Production Team of Cristina Magana, Alicia Robles, and Nicole Wede advanced to finals at the BPA NLC in May of 2022 with this creation. Congratulations Team!