Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) is made up of 9th through 12th graders who want to identify with others who base their lives on healthy choices both in and out of school. Members try to meet once a week to discuss issues they see as affecting themselves and their peers. They look for opportunities to learn more about healthy lifestyles and promote positive social activities with their classmates. Activities can range from those that increase education or awareness about alcohol and drug abuse, respectful relationships, safe driving, responsible behavior, fund raising for special causes, and the pursuit of academic achievement. SADD members have adult guidance in choosing activities, but the group determines which issues will be the focus for each school year.
SADD meets every Thursday in room 329 at 3:15 p.m. New students are always welcome!

SADD Group

Contact Info
Advisor: Lakeyta Swinea
President: Betel Yisak
Vice President: Rediat Hailemariam
Secretary: Tigst Fantahun
Treasurer: Atianna Lowe