Prairie Elementary Orchestra
At Prairie Elementary School, students have the opportunity to choose to play a string instrument in fourth grade.
Orchestra students have two 30-minute orchestra classes each week with Mrs. Loy. During the beginning of the school year, students learn the parts of their instruments, and how to hold their instruments and bows, pluck and bow on the strings, finger to create different pitches, keep a steady beat, and perform with other players. By late fall, students begin playing with the bow, and they work to improve their tone, intonation, rhythm, and posture throughout the year.

PE Orchestra Resources
Practicing along with a metronome helps students develop the ability to play with a steady beat.
Theta Music Trainer offers music and ear training games.
The Music Interactive includes games for note reading and ear training. Simply click on “Classroom Application” at the bottom of the page to see the free Star Wars note reading game!
Michael Hopkins’ String Pedagogy Notebook contains a wealth of information, including history of the string instruments and tips on proper position and playing technique.
On, Jamie Fiste, cello professor at Central Michigan University, shares a multitude of videos created to demonstrate proper cello position and playing technique.
Contact Info
Melanie Loy
Phone: 507-727-1250
Lesson Schedules
4th grade orchestra students have two half-hour lessons per week, scheduled between the hours of 11:00 and 3:15.