Achievement and Integration
The purpose of the Achievement and Integration (A&I) for Minnesota program is to pursue racial and economic integration, increase student achievement, create equitable educational opportunities, and reduce academic disparities based on students’ diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in Minnesota public schools.
The Nobles County Integration Collaborative, in alignment with its mission, builds the 3-year Achievement and Integration Plan for each of its member school districts as well as submitting an annual progress report to the Minnesota Department of Education. These plans are a measure of organizational performance as well as a snapshot of each individual school district’s progress toward equity and reducing achievement gaps. Each school district’s current and most recent Achievement and Integration Plan is available to the public. The most recent progress reports are also available to the public. The 2019-2020 school year’s progress report will be available for each district in late October 2020. For older reports or any questions about our Achievement and Integration Plans and Progress Reprots, please contact NCIC directly.
2023-2024 Achievement and Integration Results Summary
2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan
2017-2020 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2021 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2019-2020 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2018-2019 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan
2017-2020 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2021 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2019-2020 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2018-2019 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan
2017-2020 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2021 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2019-2020 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2018-2019 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan
2017-2020 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2021 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2019-2020 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2018-2019 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
Heron Lake-Okabena
2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan
2017-2020 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2021 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2019-2020 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
2018-2019 Achievement and Integration Progress Report
Round Lake-Brewster
2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2023 Achievement and Integration Plan
2017-2020 Achievement and Integration Plan
2020-2021 Achievement and Integration Progress Report