Professional Learning Communities

Collaborative Culture

PLC Teams: Educators committed to working collaboratively and interdependently to improve student achievement.

Collaboration: A systematic process in which people work together, interdependently, to analyze and impact professional practice in order to improve student achievement, for which members are held mutually accountable.

Team Norms: Guidelines developed by team members to increase team productivity and effectiveness, ensure all members have opportunity to contribute and keep dialogue open and respectful.

Team Roles: Roles assigned to team members to share 
the workload fairly and equitably and to ensure that PLC 
meetings are productive and effective.

Focus on Learning

Critical Questions:

  • What knowledge and skills do we expect our students to learn?
  • How will we know if our students have learned expected outcomes?
  • How will we respond, individually and collectively, when our students have difficulty learning expected outcomes?
  • How will we respond, individually and collectively, when our students have already learned expected outcomes?
  • How can we use the evidence of student learning to inform and improve our practice?

PLC Vocabulary

Power Standards:The knowledge and skills that are essential in preparing students for the next level in school, life, and on the State assessments.

SMART Goals: Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, and Timebound.

Common Pacing: Teachers have agreed to devote a certain amount of instructional time to specific content.

Systematic Intervention: A schoolwide plan that ensures every student will receive additional time and support as soon as he or she experiences difficulty in acquiring essential knowledge and skills.

Focus on Results

Formative Assessment: An assessment is formative when all of the following occur:

  • The assessment is used to identify students who are experiencing difficulty
  • Those students are provided additional time and support to acquire the skill
  • The students are given another opportunity to demonstrate their learning

Summative Assessment: Assessments designed to provide a final measure (proficient/not proficient).

Common Assessment: Student learning will be assessed using the same instrument or process and according to the same criteria.