Wondering how I can help you?
Examples of what we could meet about:
- Collaborate on the successful integration of hardware (Apple TV, WePresent, Smartboard, etc), software (apps, programs, etc), and Internet resources, in support of student learning.
- Assist teachers in meeting Common Core and state standards with the assistance of technology in their classrooms.
- Teach the basics (or advanced) use of the technology that is available to you (Schoology, Seesaw, Google Drive, Smartboard, Smart Notebook, Apple TV, WePresent, etc).
- Video creation to add to Schoology/Seesaw that will aid students when doing homework outside of school hours.
- Create learning resources for teachers, staff, and students. Resources may include tutorials, websites, video tutorials, or instructions for projects.
- Recommend websites, apps, software, and related resources.
- Collaborate and assist in planning and implementing technology-infused lessons.
- Co-teach. At the start of a new technology project, I can be an extra set of hands in the room to assist with questions. I am also willing to introduce and teach the tech portion of the project.
- Design or assist with designing projects and lessons that utilize new technologies.
- Brainstorm/research new apps, websites, etc. for your class and ways to integrate into your classroom.
- Show/explain how to use technology (iPads) in meaningful ways with the students.
- Help with our learning management systems: Schoology and Seesaw.
- e-Learning: assist with planning lessons, showing how to create videos, or record your voice for students.
Purpose: Technology integration is achieved when technology’s use supports curricular goals. It must support four key components of learning: active engagement, collaboration, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts.
Vision: Technology integration will be like breathing; it will happen naturally in both teaching and learning.
Mission: Through the integration of technology, combined with new approaches to education, a more personalized style of learning can be realized.
edtech Resources
- Trojan Digital Learning Hub – Resources for Staff/Students
- Practical EdTech ISD 518 YouTube
- Google Resources
- Schoology Resources
- Ted-Ed Lessons