School Board

Teaching children throughout the district is truly a team effort.  We’re fortunate to have some of the most experienced and educated teachers in Minnesota, along with dedicated staff, parents, and volunteers willing to help our children succeed now and into the future.  

As elected leaders, we welcome your input. Contact information for the school board is available on this webpage, along with agendas and meeting minutes.  Board meetings are regularly held the third Tuesday of the month at 6:15 PM in the Worthington High School Band Room, 1211 Clary Street. The meetings are also televised on Cable TV Channel 3 and live streamed through the School District’s Facebook page. 

Again, we’d enjoy hearing from you and we welcome your suggestions and input.

Worthington District 518 School Board Members

Front Row (left to right): Lori Dudley-Treasurer, Ann Mills, Erin Schutte-Vice Chair and Darla Agard; Back Row (left to right) Matt Widboom-Clerk, Eric Parrish and Adam Blume-Chair

Next School Board Meeting Date:

Special School Board Meeting
April 8, 2025, at 6:15 p.m.
in the District Office

Tax Abatement Hearing
April 15, 2025, at 6:10 p.m.
in the Worthington High School Band Room

School Board Meeting
April 15, 2025, at 6:15 p.m.
in the Worthington High School Band Room

Board Meeting Agendas:

March 18, 2025, School Board Meeting Agenda
April 15, 2025, Tax Abatement Hearing Agenda

Board Meeting Minutes

School Board Goals

The School Board members will:

I. Improve communications with students, employees, parents, community members, businesses and others (stakeholders) in the district through a variety of options to promote, enhance and improve understanding of the mission, vision and goals of the district.

Objectives: Board members will:

  1. Visit every building at least two times per year.
  2. Participate in listening times with various stakeholders by attending informal groups, building meetings, and other school and public gatherings.
  3. Communicate through a variety of methods about school related topics.(Examples are: TV, newsletters, paper, radio, listening groups)

II. Improve their understanding and knowledge of public education programs and processes of the district byparticipatingin training, conferences, and other activities.

Objectives: Board members will:

  1. Develop a better understanding for expectations of the district by gathering information through communication, surveys and other means.
  2. Participate in growth opportunities and development by attending at least three training opportunities annually.

III. Increase involvement by stakeholders when gathering input for decisions and direction of the district.

Objectives: Board members will:

  1. Establish baseline data for identifying stakeholder involvement in the district.
  2. Develop an action plan for increased involvement by a variety of stakeholder groups within the district.

IV. Increase visibility and involvement through participation in school events, community events, and other activities that can promote the district.

Objectives: Board members will:

  1. Establish baseline data through a survey of others regarding school board members involvement in the district and community.
  2. Develop expectations for the performance of board member.
  3. Implement a short information time on building and district programs at committee and/or board meetings.

V.  Develop an assessment tool for board member goals and utilize this tool for evaluative purposes. 

Objectives: Board members will:

  1. Report actions toward reaching these goals.
  2. Set appropriate expectations for measurement of success.
  3. Utilize Minnesota School Board Association’s self evaluation tool for baseline and analysis of future data.

School Board Committees 2025:

Instructional Committee
 Lori Dudley
Ann Mills
Eric Parrish

Operations Committee
 Matt Widboom
 Darla Agard
 Erin Schutte

Classified Negotiating Committee 
Matt Widboom
Darla Agard
Eric Parrish

Licensed Negotiating Committee 
Lori Dudley
Erin Schutte
Ann Mills

Compensation Committee 
Matt Widboom
Erin Schutte
Darla Agard

Meet and Confer  
Lori Dudley
Erin Schutte
Ann Mills

Curriculum and Instruction Committee 
 Lori Dudley
 Eric Parrish
 Alternate-Ann Mills

Other Committees 

  • Communications Committee-Erin Schutte and Ann Mills
  • Community Education Advisory Council–Erin Schutte
  • Minnesota State High School League–Adam Blume
  • Worthington-Crailsheim Intern, Inc.–Lori Dudley
  • MSBA Legislative Liaison–Darla Agard
  • District Technology Committee–Darla Agard and Eric Parrish
  • MSBA Communication Network–Josh Noble, Alternate-Ann Mills
  • District Staff Development Committee–Matt Widboom and Ann Mills; Alternate-Eric Parrish
  • LC/VIBE Governing Board–Lori Dudley
  • Studio 3 Joint Powers Board– Matt Widboom
  • Nobles County Integration Collaborative–Erin Schutte
  • Joint City/County/College/School Committee-Lori Dudley and Darla Agard; Alternate-Erin Schutte
  • Facilities Sub Committee-Matt Widboom, Lori Dudley and Darla Agard
  • Worlds Best Workforce Committee-Adam Blume, Alternate-Lori Dudley