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News & Updates (Districtwide)

  • A Statement from ISD 518

    We are making this statement to address and acknowledge the terrible pain and racism that our country is facing. People of color have experienced generational trauma and continue to experience systemic racism and injustices not just in the United States, but throughout the world. Even though we are all different, we have the same human… Continue Reading

    April 26, 2021
  • Comunicado de ISD 518

    Difundimos este comunicado para abordar y hacer mención del terrible dolor y racismo que enfrenta nuestro país. La gente de color (persona que no es blanca) ha vivido un trauma generacional y continúa viviendo el racismo e injusticias sistémica, no solo en Estados Unidos, sino que en todo el mundo. Aunque todos somos diferentes, tenemos… Continue Reading

    April 26, 2021
  • Sanford Worthington Now Offering COVID-19 Vaccine to Those Age 16+

    The vaccine is available at no cost. Appointments take 20 minutes. To schedule an appointment, call 877-701-0779 or schedule online at the Sanford COVID-19 vaccine web page. Sanford patients may schedule an appointment through their Sanford MyChart.

    April 26, 2021
  • COVID-19 Rapid Testing Not Available to Excuse Students from Quarantine Periods

    A message from ISD 518 Superintendent John Landgaard: Following school board discussion and working with the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), it has been determined that COVID-19 rapid testing may not be used to excuse a student from a quarantine period after a known exposure to someone with… Continue Reading

    April 22, 2021
  • Do Not Attend ISD 518 Facilities If You Have Any COVID-19 Symptoms

    Go home or stay home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms so we can stay in school together.

    April 13, 2021
  • No asistas a las escuelas de ISD 518 si tienes algunos síntomas de COVID-19

    Vete a casa si tienes algunos de estos síntomas, para que juntos podamos seguir en la escuela. Fiebre Dificultad para respirar Pérdida del paladar y olfato Dolor muscular Nausea, diarrea, o vómito Escalofrío Tos Secreción o congestión nasal Dolor de garganta Dolor de cabeza Consancio

    April 13, 2021


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Educational Excellence
for All Learners to be
Successful Citizens in the Future
-ISD 518’s Mission Statement-