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News & Updates (Districtwide)

  • Cap and Gown Portraits 2020

    Graduation is a special time and this year is no exception. Rickers Photography Studio is offering the opportunity to be photographed in your cap and gown for only $15. Not only will you receive 1- 5X7 portrait and the digital file, but Rickers will donate the entire $15 to Avera & Sanford Clinics for the… Continue Reading

    May 20, 2020
  • Register Here for Childcare Available Through ISD 518 for Healthcare, Emergency, and Defined “Tier 2” Workers (Registration due by 12:00 p.m. the day before childcare is needed)

    Free Childcare for Healthcare, Emergency, and Defined “Tier 2” Workers When: Wednesday, March 18 – Friday, March 27; 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Registration requested by noon on the day before childcare is needed) Where: Prairie Elementary School (1700 1st Ave SW, Worthington, MN 56187) Eligible Participants: ISD 518 school-aged children (kindergarten through age 12)… Continue Reading

    May 13, 2020
  • Grading Scale Changes for ISD 518 Students | Cambios en la escala de calificación para estudiantes del ISD 518

    Independent School District 518 (ISD 518) is making changes to the grading scale for students across the district. These changes are being made to better accommodate the distance learning model that District 518 has put into place as well as the many challenges faced by students due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The grading changes will… Continue Reading

    May 7, 2020
  • WHS Seniors

    Hey seniors! Do you need help filling out a college application, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or looking for scholoraships? The school counselors are here to help. We can Zoom, talk over the phone, or communicate through email and Schoology. To contact your school counselors: 1. Message us on Schoology 2.… Continue Reading

    May 1, 2020
  • Trojan Marching Band

    ISD 518 and the WHS ‘Spirit of Worthington’ Trojan Marching Band announces the POSTPONEMENT of their upcoming June Band Camp. WHS Band Camp will be rescheduled for August 3-15 and members of the band will receive specific information regarding the August camp by July 15th. Additionally, all members of the band will be receiving music… Continue Reading

    May 1, 2020
  • ATTENTION: Families and Students of the Class of 2020 – Graduation Plans

    To the Families and Students of the Class of 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic is devastating in many ways. For our 2020 seniors, it means the loss of many important final moments. We want you to understand we recognize the importance of celebrating your accomplishments. This message is to help you understand our work to plan… Continue Reading

    April 27, 2020


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Educational Excellence
for All Learners to be
Successful Citizens in the Future
-ISD 518’s Mission Statement-