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News & Updates (Districtwide)

  • Para las familias y estudiantes graduandos, promoción 2020 – Ceremonia de graduación

    Para las familias y estudiantes, graduandos, promoción 2020: La pandemia COVID-19 es devastadora en muchas maneras, para nuestros graduandos 2020, esto significa la pérdida de muchos momentos concluyentes importantes. Queremos que entiendas que nosotros reconocemos la importancia de celebrar tus logros y este mensaje es para ayudarte a entender nuestro plan para la celebración de… Continue Reading

    April 27, 2020
  • Worthington Trojan Athletes and Families

    The Minnesota State High School League announced yesterday that it has canceled the spring sports regular and postseason. For any student or family who paid a participation fee for a spring activity the district will be crediting your campus accounts.  To request a refund in the form of a check, please email student’s name and… Continue Reading

    April 24, 2020
  • Attention Seniors Our high school is participating in an exciting study conducted by American Institutes for Research (AIR) in partnership with the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the Minnesota Department of Education, and the Minnesota Office of Higher Education. The study tests whether text messages can help students enroll and succeed in college. In order to… Continue Reading

    April 23, 2020
  • Seniors – Delivery Day for Graduation

    Seniors!Delivery Day for Graduation orders is next Wednesday, April 29th from 11-1:00 p.m. in the Student parking lot. This is a drive up event. YOU MUST STAY IN YOUR CAR! To help keep things running smoothly we ask that you have your full name written on a piece of paper in large print to show… Continue Reading

    April 23, 2020
  • New Student Registration

    Please call ahead of time at 507-372-2172 to schedule an appointment to register your child. Spanish speaking parents/guardians can contact Karina at 507-727-1247 to schedule an appointment. Call hours are 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM Monday – Friday.  Please plan to provide us the following information: Please plan to provide us the following information: Name of… Continue Reading

    April 23, 2020
  • Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) Scholarship Awarded to Adam Koller, ISD 518 School Board Student Representative

    Congratulations Adam Koller, student representative on the ISD 518 school board, for being awarded the Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) Scholarship. Adam has many achievements and talents in and out of the classroom. We appreciate all the efforts given back to your community in leadership roles, Adam. Follow this link to the MSBA announcement of… Continue Reading

    April 22, 2020


New Student Enrollment

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Educational Excellence
for All Learners to be
Successful Citizens in the Future
-ISD 518’s Mission Statement-