After School Program

EDGE is an academic after school program that consists of academic assistance for students along with enrichment activities. Students gain valuable learning time with licensed teachers who work closely with students to help meet individual needs in math and reading. Students in EDGE also participate in various enrichment activities. The program is free of charge and includes a snack after school and transportation home.

Prairie Elementary School: Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 PM – 4:50 PM

Intermediate School: Tuesday and Thursdays 2:45 PM – 4:40 pm

Worthington Middle School: Tuesday and Thursday 2:45 PM – 4:35 PM

Mission of EDGE:
The mission of Targeted Services is the intervention and prevention of school dropout. Services are designed to help students to be successful and to remain in traditional school. The focus of Targeted Services is on social/emotional/academic skill building and remediation. Targeted Services programming for students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade occurs on an extended day/extended year basis.

Who qualifies for District 518 EDGE Services?
Children are referred to EDGE programming by ISD 518 teachers. EDGE is a prevention program intended to address the needs of young learners to ensure successful graduation. Learners must meet the state-established criteria listed below to qualify for services. (Minnesota Statute 124D.68) Due to high enrollments referred students may be placed on a waiting list for the program.

  • Consistently fails or struggles with classes
  • Has more hands-on learning style
  • Demonstrates low motivation, easily frustrated, sudden drop in grades, absenteeism, or classroom problems
  • Is below one or more grade levels in achievement
  • Is overwhelmed in classes with large numbers

What kinds of things will ISD 518 students work on at EDGE?
Student activities will depend on each student’s individual need. A Continual Learning Plan (CLP) will be written for each child, outlining the specific needs to be addressed. The EDGE teacher will work with the child’s classroom teacher(s) to develop the CLP. Parents may also participate in determining goals for the CLP.

Goals in the Continued Learning Plan could include improving in reading, math or writing skills; developing organizational skills; and learning of social skills. Direct instruction by staff will be supplemented by educational computer programs which meet the student’s needs.

EDGE Summer Programming

EDGE Summer Programming is dedicated to helping students maintain and revisit skills in reading, writing, math and organization. Summer class size is reduced to help provide students a more one-on-one environment, allowing the opportunity to provide focused teaching to each student’s educational needs.

EDGE Contact Information

Targeted Services Coordinator

(507) 727-1195

Middle School EDGE Office:

EDGE Administrative Assistant

(507) 727-1118

Intermediate EDGE Office:

Intermediate Targeted Services Administrative Assistant

Prairie EDGE Office:

Prairie Targeted Services Administrative Assistant

(507) 727-1265

Emergencies Only:
or (507)-727-1155


Directed towards.
Gaining and.
Extending knowledge.

Edge Links
