Targeted Services Information
What is Targeted Services?
Targeted Services is an after school/summer program that provides intervention and prevention services to elementary and middle level students (K-8). 1st -8th grade services include, but are not limited to academic tutoring and social skills development. Targeted Services is taught by highly-qualified,certified teachers; paraprofessionals may assist students (under the teacher’s direction).
Who qualifies for 518 Targeted Services?
Children can be referred to Targeted Services by teachers, parents, or community service providers. Targeted Services is a prevention program intended to address the needs of young learners before successful graduation is at risk. Learners must meet the state-established criteria listed below to qualify for services. (Minnesota Statute 124D.68)
- Consistently fails or struggles with classes
- Has more hands-on learning style
- Demonstrates low motivation, easily frustrated, sudden drop in grades,absenteeism,or classroom problems
- Appears to be isolated from other pupils
- Has family issues
- Speaks English as a second language
- Homeless
- Has been assessed as chemically dependent
- Is a perpetual victim of other pupils
- Is below one or more grade levels in achievement
- Is overwhelmed in classes in large numbers
- Is clearly discouraged to the point of having little hope for being successful in school or in society
When does Targeted Services Meet?
Prairie Elementary | 3:30-4:50 | Tuesdays & Thursdays |
Intermediate School | 2:45-4:40 | Tuesdays & Thursdays |
Worthington Middle School | 2:40-4:35 | Tuesdays & Thursdays |
Summer Programming runs during June for students in grades 1-8.
What kinds of things will my child work on at Targeted Services?
Student activities will depend on each student’s individual need. A Continual Learning Plan (CLP) will be written for each child, outlining the specific needs to be addressed. The Targeted Services teacher will work with the child’s classroom teacher to develop the CLP.
Goals in the CLP could include help finishing assignments, assistance in reading, math or writing, developing organizational skills, and teaching of social skills. Direct instruction by staff will be supplemented by educational computer programs which meet the student’s needs.
Questions may be directed to:
Spencer Wieneke
Targeted Services Coordinator
Contact Info
Spencer Wieneke
Targeted Services Principal
Phone: 507.372.1322
Email: Mr. Wieneke
Katie Pedersen
Targeted Services Coordinator
Phone: 507.727.1195
Email: Mrs. Pedersen
EDGE Links
- Parent Portal Application English
- Solicitud para tener acceso al sistema Infinite Campus
- English Learner
- Community Ed
- Free and Reduced-price Meal Application
- Solicitud para comidas gratis o a precio reducido
- Free and Reduced-price Meals Fair Hearing Procedure for Households
- Health Office
- Renaissance Home Connect
- Student Support Services (PE)
- Counselor’s Corner (WMS)
- Student Services (WHS)
- Drop-Off Procedures
- Application for Educational Benefits
- Solicitud para los beneficios de alimentación
- MNsure Application
- S-EBT Notice
- Seesaw Tutorial (YouTube Video)
- Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
- Seguro voluntario contra accidente para estudiantes