Welcome to the Parent/Student Resources Page
Inclement Weather & School Closing Information
- Learn From Home – A day of instruction for students using non-in-person learning methods, including video conferences, Schoology, SeeSaw, and/or take-home packets to provide synchronous or asynchronous lessons.
- No School/Snow Day – A day in which no student instruction will be provided, in-person or otherwise.
- Buildings Closed – A notification that ISD 518 buildings will be closed to all, excluding essential personnel.
- Late Start – Students begin in-person classes later in the day than the regularly scheduled time.
- Early Dismissal – Students will be dismissed from in-person instruction earlier than the regularly scheduled time.
- Distance Learning – A situation including an extended period of instruction for students using non-in-person learning methods, including video conferences, Schoology, SeeSaw, and/or take-home packets to provide synchronous lessons.
For more information on each closure, click the link below.
Digital Learning and E-Learning Plan
- District e-Learning Plan
- Información de Aprendizaje Por Internet para Padres/Tutores & Estudiantes
- District e-Learning Day Student Guidelines
- Reglas Para Estudiante e-Aprendizaje Internet Días
- Parents & Digital Learning
- Device Agreement-English
- Programa Tabletas Formulario de Acuerdo para el padre de familia
Campus & Schoology
- Parent Portal Application English
- Solicitud para tener acceso al sistema Infinite Campus
- English Learner
- Community Ed
- Free and Reduced-price Meal Application
- Solicitud para comidas gratis o a precio reducido
- Free and Reduced-price Meals Fair Hearing Procedure for Households
- Health Office
- Renaissance Home Connect
- Student Support Services (PE)
- Counselor’s Corner (WMS)
- Student Services (WHS)
- Drop-Off Procedures
- Application for Educational Benefits
- Solicitud para los beneficios de alimentación
- MNsure Application
- S-EBT Notice
- Seesaw Tutorial (YouTube Video)
- Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
- Seguro voluntario contra accidente para estudiantes