At the Learning Center, exploration of all the Sciences is important. We cover Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, Environmental Science.
Biology involves the study of living organisms. Students will learn about living organisms from the cellular level, up to the body and its functions. We will look at the importance of biodiversity, natural selection, and how species have evolved.
Chemistry involves the study of Matter, Energy – Particles in Motion (Gases) & States of Matter (Thermodynamics), Describing Substances & Mixtures, Moles, Chemical Formulas, Chemical Reactions, Stoichiometry & Solutions, Periodicity, and Acids & Bases.
Earth and Space Science is about the physical makeup of the earth. How it was created and continues to reshape itself. Students will also study the solar system including the stars and the planets.
Environmental Science is the study of the interaction of living and nonliving in our ecosystems. Students will learn how we are interconnected to our environment. What we do to our environment impacts us.