Prairie Elementary

Excellence in Action

At Prairie Elementary, we provide excellent educational opportunities to approximately 680 students from Early Childhood through Second Grade. Educators at Prairie Elementary are extremely dedicated to the young people of this community. Our shared vision encompasses meeting the needs of all learners through establishing a collaborative culture with a focus on learning and results. At Prairie Elementary we use a full range of educational services to respond to the individual learning needs of students. We are devoted to meeting the social, emotional, and academic needs of every student.

We invite you to stay connected and involved with our schools as we work together to ensure success for all children.

  • Student and Parent creating a gingerbread house
  • Students with Grinch hats
  • Student singing with arms raised
  • Students on raisers for music program
  • Students dressed in pajamas holding books
  • Students on a snowpile throwing snowballs
  • Zero the Hero getting hugs from students
  • Zero the Hero in the cafeteria
  • Student with Zero the Hero on the 100th day of school
  • Zero the Hero with classroom of students
  • Zero the Hero with classroom of students

ISD 518 Virtual Calming Room

The ISD 518 Virtual Calming Room provides helpful tools and resources to assist you in managing stressors and regulating your emotions.

News & Updates

  • Prairie Packet Pick-Up

    PACKET PICK-UP/DROP-OFF EVENTWednesday, April 15, 2020, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pick up in the car rider pick-up line in the parking lot EAST of the Prairie gyms Pull up in the circle Give your completed packet to the attendant*Return you packet in the envelope you were given at the last Pick-Up Day. Your envelope… Continue Reading

    April 9, 2020
  • Attention: All Prairie Families

    Important Information for ALL PRAIRIE FAMILIES!Please come to Prairie tomorrow (March 25) between the hours of 7 am and 6 pm to pick up your child’s Distance Learning materials. Your child’s teacher has prepared 3 weeks of learning materials in the event that our closure is extended by Governor Walz.Pick up will be in the… Continue Reading

    March 25, 2020
  • Kindergarten Registration

    Parents of incoming kindergarten students please return the registration for your child. The form can either be mailed or dropped off at Prairie Elementary, 1700 1st Ave. SW, Worthington, MN. Click on the links below to view the forms. Inside… District District Office School District Policies Media Request Human Resources ISD 518 New Hire Information… Continue Reading

    March 24, 2020
  • Prairie Elementary Science Fair – March 19th, 4:30 p.m.

    The public is welcome to attend the Prairie Elementary Science Fair on Thursday, March 19th at 4:30 p.m. in the Prairie Elementary Gym. The public viewing of exhibits begins at 4:30 p.m. with awards being given at 5:00 p.m. Come and see the some of the hard work the 3rd and 4th grade students submitted… Continue Reading

    March 9, 2020
  • Parent Teacher Conference

    Prairie Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday, March 9 3:30-7:30 PMThursday, March 12 3:30-7:30 PMFriday, March 13 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM No School for Prairie students on Friday, March 13. Talk to your child’s teacher for your conference date and time if you did not receive a letter in the mail. Inside… District District Office School… Continue Reading

    February 29, 2020


1700 1st Avenue SW
 Worthington, MN 56187

Phone: 507-727-1250
Fax: 507-727-1255
Attendance Line: 507-727-1272



 Principal: Mrs. Meyer
Assistant Principal:
Ms. Gjerde

Start time: 8:15 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:10 p.m.

★   ★   ★   ★   ★

Excellence in Action
Focused on Learning
Focused on Results
Focused on Collaboration

Standards-Based Report Cards

School Improvement

If you need assistance reading the School Improvement documents, please send a detailed email to or contact Mrs. Meyer or Ms. Gjerde at 507-727-1250.
