Business Internship
Two to Four Terms Grade 12 Elective
Prerequisite: Intro to Computer Applications; and two additional Business Electives (These classes may be taken concurrently with Business Internship)
Designed for students who want to pursue business careers after graduation. Students are placed in paid internships with area businesses where they receive additional training and experience under the guidance of a training sponsor. Each student will work a minimum of 7.5 hours per week. See Mr. Lais for an application form. PRIOR APPROVAL NEEDED. Students may not take SVS, Office Assistant or Media Assistant in the same term as Business Intern. Students will only receive a pass fail for this class.
WHS Business Classes
- Accounting 1 A & B
- Accounting 2 A & B
- Advanced Trojan Textiles
- Advanced Computer Applications
- Business Economics
- Business Internship
- Business Math
- Business – Sports Management
- Intro to Computer Applications
- Kids, Cash, and Credit
- Personal Business & Law
- Sales & Marketing
- Trojan Textiles
- Video Game Design
- Video Production
- Web Design
- Yearbook A & B
- Yearbook C & D