One Term Grades 11, 12 Elective
Prerequisite: CISCO 1
Students in this course will repair, service, troubleshoot, and maintain the high school computers. This is a great opportunity for students looking at going into CISCO careers. Enrollment is limited. See Mrs. Troe for an application form.
PRIOR APPROVAL NEEDED. College credit available, see Ms. Troe for explanation. A student interested in taking CISCO 2 must receive prior permission from the teacher.
WHS Business Classes
- Accounting 1 A & B
- Accounting 2 A & B
- Advanced Trojan Textiles
- Advanced Computer Applications
- Business Economics
- Business Internship
- Business Math
- Business – Sports Management
- Intro to Computer Applications
- Kids, Cash, and Credit
- Personal Business & Law
- Sales & Marketing
- Trojan Textiles
- Video Game Design
- Video Production
- Web Design
- Yearbook A & B
- Yearbook C & D