Introduction to Computer Applications
One Term Grade 9 Required
Prerequisite: Previous Computer Experience w/20 WAM
The student will learn/improve keyboarding skills, use the computer to prepare MLA Report Style, formal personal/business letters, and many other fun desktop publishing documents. In this course they will discover many features of Microsoft Office Suite. They will focus on Word, and begin the exploration of PowerPoint (presentations) and Excel (spreadsheets). Knowledge and use of Microsoft Office Suite is an expected skill in today’s workplace. College credit is available; see Ms. Troe for explanation.
Keyboarding Online
Visit to complete online typing lessons for the required Introduction to Computer Applications course. See instructor for username and password.
WHS Business Classes
- Accounting 1 A & B
- Accounting 2 A & B
- Advanced Trojan Textiles
- Advanced Computer Applications
- Business Economics
- Business Internship
- Business Math
- Business – Sports Management
- Intro to Computer Applications
- Kids, Cash, and Credit
- Personal Business & Law
- Sales & Marketing
- Trojan Textiles
- Video Game Design
- Video Production
- Web Design
- Yearbook A & B
- Yearbook C & D