Renaissance Awards

Award Levels & Rewards
Renaissance Worthington Middle School is a Renaissance School. Renaissance makes recognition accessible to all students and gives a sense of pride to academic achievement. Renaissance assemblies or special activities will be held quarters 1, 2, and 3 to honor and reward students in grades 6-8. There are some stipulations for Renaissance:
1. A student must be a full-time student at WMS.
2. The student must not earn a grade of “F” in any class, including those where grades don’t affect GPA (ex: Band, Choir, Orchestra, PE, etc.)
3. The student must not have more than three office referrals, or have served in-school or out-of-school suspension, within the given quarter.
Only students who have earned one of the following four levels, and their parents/guardians, are invited to the assemblies:
Platinum: 4.0 GPA [Must earn an “A” in all classes, including those not affecting GPA (ex: Band, Choir, Orchestra, PE, etc.)]